All in for your career in ministry.
Anchor your studies in Christian faith and deepen your understanding of the Bible. Learn to lead conversations on polarizing topics with love, critical thinking, and spiritual humility. Serve God and impact your community, all while learning 100% online.
Whether you have zero credits or a few semesters’ worth, this degree is the key to continuing your education and advancing your career. You already have the passion and calling. Now you just need your degree.
This program equips you to become a leader in ministry. It can be completed in as little as one year in an online, asynchronous format.
You’ll understand, embody, and implement the tenets of historical Christianity in a mature, faithful, unifying, and society-transforming manner.
Your courses in pastoral care and Biblical ethics will equip you for challenging situations. You’ll learn to face challenges through the wisdom of scripture.
We’ll nourish your curiosity about the Bible and provide a foundation for wherever God leads you next. This program can be your stepping stone to Northeastern Seminary upon graduation.
Not sure where God is leading? Many adults have found that formal study of scripture in community with others offers vocational clarity on next steps.
This program satisfies many of the ordination requirements of denominations and churches. We can work with your denomination or church to determine how classes satisfy some of your ordination requirements.
Interested in receiving an overview of the program with specific courses, costs, and academic plans?
Program Coursework
The AA in Biblical Studies offers a practice-oriented education for persons interested in developing their understanding of the Bible. The coursework consists of mainly introductory-level courses in biblical studies, theology, and ministry (36 credit hours) combined with a general coursework component (24 credit hours).
Graduates of the program will be well-equipped not only for ministry inside and outside of the church, but they will be prepared to further their studies at the bachelor’s level and potentially at the graduate level. This will be a fully online, degree-completion program.
The AA in Biblical Studies offers a practice-oriented education for persons interested in developing their understanding of the Bible.The courses below represent the 36 credits earned in the Biblical Studies degree, but 60 credits are required to earn an associate's degree. Therefore, in addition to completing the Biblical Studies courses, 24 additional credits are needed to graduate with the Biblical Studies associate's degree. These "additional" credits can come from a variety of sources, like previous college credits earned (C- or above), Roberts courses, credit for life and work experiences, prior learning assessments like Life Learning Papers (LLPs), DSST/CLEP exams, Military Transcripts, and other approved training. Each applicant will receive a thorough transfer credit evaluation (TCE) with a personalized and detailed plan for graduation. This program allows students to transfer credits into the program or start with zero credits.
Check out some of the courses offered below.

THEO 2701
Biblical Grace and Salvation
This course introduces students to the saving work of Jesus Christ. The course focuses on Jesus Christ, the doctrine of atonement, the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of salvation, and the outworking of salvation in the church and through an eschatological perspective. Students will explore these ideas in their ancient and modern contexts while developing their ability to think theologically.

THEO 2900
Biblical Ethics
In this course, students study biblical-theological systems of ethical decision-making and apply what they learn to the analysis of ethical and social issues in contemporary society, including abortion, affirmative action, capital punishment, cloning, constitutional freedoms, euthanasia, pacifism and just war, and extreme poverty.

BIBL 3010
Prophets and Politics
This course examines selected passages from the prophets of Israel. It will display their unique styles and forms of these passages, their theological emphases, and their responses to the historical crises. Prerequisites: BIBL 1010 and 1020 or permission of instructor. (Offered alternate years)
Biblical Studies Program Tuition
Cost for Biblical Studies, A.A.

Total Program
Sticker Price: $10,764
The 2024-2025 cost per credit hour for this program is $299 per credit.
36 total credit hours in the program.
Completion of an Associate’s degree may require additional credits outside of what is provided in the program. Fees vary by program, and the cost is subject to change each academic year.
Note: Roberts Wesleyan University reserves the right to change the fees above at any time without prior notice.
To value the life of the mind, and so offer a carefully-designed, intentionally-integrated academic program that cultivates an aptitude for faithful theological reflection about the most central questions of life and ministry.
Learn more about our online masters programs
Earning an associates degree in Biblical Studies is a natural lead in to several other academic programs at Northeastern Seminary on the Masters and Doctoral level
Whether you join us in Rochester or through our immersive online classes, you can nurture your calling and advance your career at Northeastern Seminary.
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