Register for the mini-class by filling out the form above. Then check your email for confirmation.
A free 4-week mini class led by Dr. David Carr
Join this free four-week mini class where you will receive weekly readings and join in online discussions. You won't want to miss out on this deep dive into understanding Paul and the motivations behind the Corinthians.
Register below.
Thank you for your interest! The sign-ups for the mini class have closed. Be on the look-out for more free mini classes offered by Northeastern Seminary.

How It Works
Check your email for materials to complete your classwork and receive weekly questions. The first week of content will be emailed to you on April 1.
Each Monday in April, you will be emailed lessons to work through. Each Thursday, Dr. Carr will host a discussion over Zoom. You will receive an email in advance of each discussion with the zoom meeting link.
Looking for Way to Invite Those You Lead?
Here are two opportunities to participate:
1. Copy the Mini Class information from the document below and send to those in your community. When they register, they receive the weekly lessons and zoom sessions along with the rest of the attendees.
2. Schedule a watch party with you for your community. Instead of gathering individually over Zoom on Thursday evenings, invite your community into your church or home and use the small group time to discuss the questions with your own community. Can’t meet at the zoom time? Take the recording and questions and do it on your own time!
About the Instructor
David Carr is a New Testament scholar who teaches and researches in biblical studies and related fields. His interests are in selfhood, identity, moral agency, and disability in the New Testament and its ancient milieu. He is also interested in how insights into these topics inform contemporary discourse and practice. He earned a B.A. from Georgia College, an M.Div. from Fuller Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from Candler School of Theology, and a Ph.D. from Emory University.
He recently published his first book, Being and Becoming: Human Transformation in the Letters of Paul with Baylor University Press. He published journal articles in Biblical Interpretation and Catholic Biblical Quarterly, and he has presented several papers at academic conferences. Dr. Carr is a candidate for ordained ministry in The United Methodist Church. He and his wife Maria have two children—Isaiah (Zay) and Joshua (Jojo)—and the entire family enjoys rooting for Atlanta sports teams from their home in Rochester, NY.