Sacred Spaces Of The Black Church, The Communal Witness Of The Black Church
With Rev. Derrill Blue & Dr. Dara Delgado
The workshop will explore the legacy of the Black Church in the United States, focusing on the importance of community and its contributions to Black Americans' health, survival, and well-being. Together, the facilitators will use social-historical and practical approaches to examine the history of the community in the Black Church through the lens of civic and social engagement, leadership development, and digital discipleship in a post-pandemic/COVID age. The concept of community broadly will serve as a means for engaging where the Black Church has been, where it is, and where it is going.

Derrill Blue
Rev. Derrill Antonio Blue is a native of Broadway, NC. He received his undergraduate education from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina, and Organization Leadership from the University of Memphis in Memphis, Tennessee. He obtained his Master of Divinity from Saint Paul School of Theology in Oklahoma City, OK. He is in the final year of completing his doctoral studies at Boston University, pursuing his Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) in Transformational Leadership.