Conflict and Coaching in Churches and Communities
With Matthew Pickering and Sandra DeMott Hasenauer
Navigating Church Conflict — The family of God doesn't have to be the "family feud." This seminar will provide biblical principles and group processes to assist church leadership in working toward conflict resolution in the local church.

Matthew Pickering
Matthew Pickering currently serves as District Superintendent of the Penn York District of The Wesleyan Church. He is a graduate of Houghton University (’93) with a B.A. in Biblical Studies & Asbury Theological Seminary with an M.Div. (’96) and D. Min (’11) with a focus on leadership and church health. Dr. Pickering was elected to the District Superintendent role in 2014, after serving in pastoral ministry for 18 years, serving churches in PA and NY. He and his wife Carmen have three adult children and three grandchildren.

Sandra L. DeMott Hasenauer
Sandra L. DeMott Hasenauer is the Executive Minister of the American Baptist Churches of the Rochester/Genesee Region, which includes 50 congregations in the Greater Rochester Area, Western NY, and nine additional states. Sandy has a DMin in Transformational Leadership from Boston University School of Theology in which she studied the practical implications for an organization when truly embracing a core vision of beloved community.