We’re preparing young men and women to know…how to be people who are able to engage with difference and conflict in a way that still says we’re doing it as men and women of God.”

Get YOUR COMPANY out in front of young adults, college students, professors, and high school seniors
Your sponsorship allows great things to happen at the Beyond Conference!
Things such as:
- livestream
- conference app
- conference bag
- Sunday evening reception
- name tag/Lanyards
"The church changes the world not by making converts but by making disciples."

Supporting Sponsor
- your name & logo on our conference program
- logo on website, app & screens at event
- acknowledgment at the keynote
- promotion on social media outlets
- an email shout out prior to the conference
- podcast advertising slot
- video pre-roll for main stage events
- only 3 sponsorships available at this level

Presenting Sponsor
- everything in Supporting Sponsor package
- Step and Repeat photo backdrop
- video pre-roll for main stage events
- only 1 sponsorships available at this level
Sign up today!