Middleton appointed Fellow of Sinai and Synapses

Professor of Biblical Worldview and Exegesis J. Richard Middleton has been appointed a Fellow of Sinai and Synapses.
Sinai and Synapses is a Jewish-based organization in New York City, founded to stimulate critical interaction between faith traditions and contemporary science.
On his website, Middleton said he is looking forward to interacting with others from various backgrounds and expertise.
"We come from such different backgrounds and have such a range of diverse expertise and experiences that I am sure to be energized by the conversations."
In this two-year appointment (2021-2023), Middleton will attend meetings with other Fellows, write blog posts on faith and science, and do public speaking on this topic. He will also begin working on a book entitled "Life and Death in the Garden of Eden: A Theological Reading of Genesis 2-3" (for Cascade, an imprint of Wipf & Stock).
Find more on Sinai and Synopses here and more on Dr. Middleton here.