Women in Leadership: Historical and Biblical Perspectives
HST 651/SOC 651
Calvinism and Arminianism
HST 727/THE 727
Gospel of John
BIB 644/THE 644
World Religions and Human Spirituality
PSF 633/THE 633/MIN 633
Theology and Political Action: Reading Luther, Bonhoeffer, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
SOC 723/THE 723
The Christian Doctrine of Human Nature and Sin
THE 703
The Openness of God Debate
THE 715
Life and Theology of Martin Luther
THE 724
Wesleyan Theology
THE 726
The Holiness Pentecostal Tradition
THE 728
Suffering, Pain, and Evil: A Theological Response
THE 731
Life, Theology, and Ethics of D. Bonhoeffer
THE 732
Sacramental and Liturgical Theology
THE 733
Reformed Theology
THE 735
Theology of the City
THE 740
Field Education
MIN 731
Theological Research
RES 690